Who can repair your sink? Who can work on shop? Who can fix your car? Who do you go to when you are sick?

Who can repair your sink?
Who can work on shop?
Who can fix your car?
Who do you go to when you are sick?


Who can repair your sink? - A plumber.

Who can work on a shop? - A shop technician or maintenance personnel.

Who can fix your car? - A mechanic or an automotive technician.

Who do you go to when you are sick? - A doctor or a healthcare professional.


1.DIY,Hardware store,Plumber,Handyman and Appliance repair specialist

2.Cashiers, salespeople, stockers, customer service representatives,even specialized technicians depending on the items,cooks, chefs, servers, bartenders, baristas, dishwashers,bussers,hair salon,production workers, assemblers, quality control inspectors and machine operators

3.Mechanic,dealership,body shop,radiator repair shop,transmission specialist,WhoCanFixMyCar worker,your car's owner's manual and mechanic websites or forums

4.Emergency rooom