Tentukanlah bentuk sederhana dari multiple clause dibawah ini dengan cara menghapus atau merubahnya dengan pronoun He/she/Him/Her / It!1. Whoever sent me this message is not one of my Students.2. Sally cannot eat that french fries3. The Man who always stay late up night is now in front of my house.4. I have waited for who can solve the equation.​

Tentukanlah bentuk sederhana dari multiple clause dibawah ini dengan cara menghapus atau merubahnya dengan pronoun He/she/Him/Her / It!

1. Whoever sent me this message is not one of my Students.

2. Sally cannot eat that french fries

3. The Man who always stay late up night is now in front of my house.

4. I have waited for who can solve the equation.

Terima kasih telah menghubungi Bing. Berikut adalah bentuk sederhana dari multiple clause yang diberikan:

1. **He** who sent me this message is not one of my students.

2. **She** cannot eat those french fries.

3. **He** who always stays up late at night is now in front of my house.

4. I have waited for **someone** who can solve the equation.

Semoga membantu!